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About the Institute

On June 30, 1945 the Council of Peoples’ Commissars of the USSR (Sovnarkom) issued Decree ¹ 10007 that allowed Ukraine to found a Research Institute of Psychology. Previously the Ukrainian Republic had had only a department of psychology at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Education. Following resolution ¹ 1573 of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of 10/01/1945 the Research Institute of Psychology became operational on October 1, 1945. According to the decree of the People's Commissariat of Education the Institute’s mission was to study and solve the pressing issues of general, child, education and special psychology as well as to analyze new developments and findings in Soviet and western psychology. The newly created Institute was to improve the planning of and intensify psychological research in Ukraine, in particular to coordinate work of departments of psychology in pedagogical institutes and universities.

The Institute’s first director was Grygory S. Kostiuk, a full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, Dr., Prof., Honored Worker of Science of the USSR. All his ascetic life was devoted to his creation which he headed for about thirty years. Grygory Sylovych left a rich scientific heritage. More than half of the Institute’s staff were his students who are now developing his ideas.

Every year the Institute increased its scientific potential, diversified its research and created new areas of psychology.

In 1971 the Institute was headed by V.I. Voitko, a corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, Dr., Prof., in 1983 by L.M. Prokoliyenko, a corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, Dr., Prof., in 1989 by A.A. Kornienko, PhD, in 1990 by A.V. Kirichuk, the academician-secretary of the Department of psychology, developmental physiology and defectology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Dr., Prof., in 1994 by V.M. Tytov, PhD, Assoc. Professor, and in 1997 by S.D. Maksymenko, the academician-secretary of the Department of psychology, developmental physiology and defectology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Dr., Prof.

The Institute was under the Ministry of Education of the USSR until 1992. In accordance with the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ¹ 335 of 06/16/1992 it was subordinated to the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine and changed its name to Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (Resolution of the Presidium of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Minutes ¹ 1-7 / 2-14 of 24/02/1993). By the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ¹ 978 of December 6, 1995, the Institute was named after the prominent Ukrainian psychologist academician G.S. Kostiuk.

For seventy years the Institute has successfully developed psychological science, training scientists and being the focal point of psychological research in Ukraine. Every year the Institute’s structure gets improved. Currently, the Institute operates 17 research laboratories with 164-strong staff which include 3 full members of the NAPS of Ukraine, 3 corresponding members of the NAPS of Ukraine, 33 doctors and 117 PhDs. One of the key subdivisions of the Institute is its Library that shelves over 100.000 books.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAPS of Ukraine focuses its research, scientific and organizational work on the realities and challenges of today, transformations in the society and education, strengthening ties between research and educational practice to meet growing social demands for and needs in deep knowledge of the psychological characteristics of personality and psychological support for educational processes. These studies offer new possibilities for a combination of theoretical achievements in social psychology and the modernization of education in the context of new realities to build an efficient personal development support system.


© 2014-2025 G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine