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LABORATORY PRESCHOOLER PSYCHOLOGY –one of the leading departments of the Institute of psychology named by G. S. Kostyuk NAPS of Ukraine.

Laboratory productively and creatively working for over 60 years. Her origins were known to psychologists: Raevskii O., Saltzman B., Chamata P., Nikolenko D..

Research on which he worked were based laboratory staff through a deep understanding of the principles of child development and mental disclose specific mechanisms and dynamics of individual parties.

With the support of our great teachers and G. Kostyuka O. Zaporozhets laboratory staff led by Viru Kindrativny convincingly demonstrated the advantages of the method of observation as the main target to work with preschool children.

The common thread through all the years of research conducted position at which the development of the individual child is a chain of quality changes. The baby–preschooler has a peculiar mind, each of the line has its best period of development.

And one stable position in the laboratory of psychology preschooler – is its close relationship with the actual practice of educational process in pre–school education link. Actually all threads experimental studies and laboratories, and graduate students were kind of response to the urgent problems of life support preschool children.

The development – a self-movement of the subject in its activities. The qualitative aspect of self–motion, depends on the nature of self–realization is subjective activity.

Priority areas of research laboratories:

1. Study the specific personal development preschooler in today's technological society, psychological analysis of the child's world view XXI century.

2. Providing psychological support conditions for the growth of the child, including the unity of physical, mental, social and spiritual development.

laboratory staff

Since 2008 to the present laboratory manages Doctor of Psychology, Professor Tamara Pirozhenko.

The collective of research workers of laboratory presently consists of 9 employees, from them there is a 1 doctor and 4 candidates of sciences:

Pirozhenko Tamara– head of the laboratory of psychology preschooler Institute of psychology named by G. S. Kostyuk NAPS of Ukraine, doctor of psychological sciences, professor;

Ladyvir Svetlana– leading research, candidate of psychological sciences;

Karabayev Irina– senior researcher, candidate of psychological sciences;

Soloviova Ludmila – senior researcher, candidate of psychological sciences;

Hartman Elena– senior researcher, candidate of psychological sciences;

Pisaryeva Elena– researcher;

Tokareva Ludmila– junior research;

Fedorchuk Helena– junior research;

Sakhno Helena– senior laboratory.



Over its history, the laboratory developed the burning issue of preschool education. Among them:

– Establishment of human feelings in preschool children in terms of social and family education;

– Psychological and pedagogical foundations child's readiness for school life;

– Especially the interaction of child preschooler with adults and peers in terms of kindergarten and family;

– Especially the formation of the image of "I" pre–school child;

– Development of arbitrary behavior of preschool children;

– Psychological support skills development in preschool children in specific activities;

– Diagnosis of mental development of preschool children;

– Psychological and pedagogical basis of individual approach in terms of pre–school education process;

– Cooperation between kindergarten and family to provide psychological care to children affected by the Chernobyl accident;

– Conditions for the formation of personal potential child–fives;

– Formation of value orientations of preschool children in today's socio–cultural environment.

The results of their research are described in textbooks for preschool workers, among the most famous and scientists work to remain relevant today: "Formation child's readiness for school" (1953), "Children's mood and obstinacy" (1958), "Fathers and Children "(1959)," Education goodwill in Children "(1964)," Sentimental Education "(1964), "Ideals are formed in childhood" (1973), "Developmental Psychology" ( 1975), "Preparing children for school in the Family" (1974), "Tomorrow at school" (1977), "Kindergarten and Family" (1984), "Such different children" (1985), "The moral education of preschool children in the family" (1985), "Education of humane feelings in children" (1987), "Teaching high school" (1987), "Developing relationships in the kindergarten and the family" (1987), "Individual approach to children in the educational process of the kindergarten" (1989), "Education of children of preschool age" (1991), "Teach your baby to communicate with children and adults" (1995)" Communicative speech development of the child "(1992)," Methods of studying the mental development of children, preschoolers' (2003), "Personality preschooler: Expectations and Prospects" (2003), "The mental development of children of preschool age, experience contemporary pre-school" (2003), "I - preschool" (2004), "The individualization of instruction in kindergarten" (2005).

The laboratory is made integral approach to the problem of child mental dynamics, given life conditions. This requires special creative development techniques and methods of work with preschool children.

The main direction of adjustment preschool:

– Keep children childhood;

– Ensure their emotional well–being;

– To ensure the conditions for pre–school, school and not mature;

– Create conditions for further internal mental and personal development in a school.

Modern problems of scientific research laboratory of psychology preschooler Institute of Psychology G. S. Kostiuk NAPS Ukrainepsychological problems associated with software development skills in preschool children in specific activities with problem diagnosis and correction psychological development of preschool children, individualization of education of children in preschool school, analyzing personal potential pre-school child in today's society and the problem of formation of value orientations of preschool children in today's socio-cultural environment.

The said issue is a constructive approach to the problem of optimization models for life support pre-school child in terms of family and public education, which saves space child subculture formation of moral sentiments and values, resistance to adverse environmental effects. In their quest today's laboratory comes from understanding that public preschool education at the present stage of development requires a new approach, updating and improvement, support forms and methods of specific children's activities (communication, play, cognitive and expressive activities).

Laboratory preschooler psychology was the co-organizer of the International Research Center perspective of teaching experience, which was created with the support of the Institute of Innovative Technology and Education, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the basis of management education Obolon district of Kyiv and initiator of Ukrainian school innovation management and teaching staff of the Institute of Early Childhood Education Education Management NAPS Ukraine. Scientists disseminate promising teaching experience groups pre-schools in the active participation in the seminars, conferences, problematic dialogues, training courses for students of high school, teachers of preschool education, improve their skills in service Teacher Training Institute and its activities confirm the high scientific authority psychology laboratory Preschooler Institute of Psychology G. S. Kostiuk NAPS Ukraine among the scientific and educational communities of society.

The ideas that gave birth in the laboratory, are widely used in practice. The laboratory of psychology preschoolers are actively involved in the development and preparation of policy documents in the system of preschool education in developing educational and developmental programs for young children - (programs "Baby", "Child", "Sure Start", Developing a basic component of preschool education).


"A child in today sotsioprostori" / T. Pirozhenko, S. Ladyvir, K. Karaseva [et al.]; eds. T. Pirozhenko. - K. Kirovograd: Imex-LTD, 2014. - 272 p .;

"Today's children - a reflection of the values of the adult world" / T. Pirozhenko, S. Ladyvir, K. Karasev, etc .; eds. T. Pirozhenko. - K. Kirovograd: Imex-LTD, 2014. - 120 p.

The formation of the inner world view preschooler: monograph / [T. Pirozhenko, S. Ladyvir, A.Vovchyk-blakutna and others.] eds. T. Pirozhenko. - Bucharest: Imex-LTD, 2012. - 236 p.

Training exercises and games for children of the third or fourth year of life / T. Pirozhenko, S. Ladyvir, I. Karabayev, T. Hurkovska. -Ternopil: Mandrivets, 2012. - 64 p. :  - A series of "Child development orders."

Training games and exercises for children in the fifth year of life / T. Pirozhenko, S. Ladyvir, A. Vovchyk-blakutna, G. Gumenyuk, T. Hurkovska. -Ternopil: Mandrivets, 2012. - 64 p. : - A series of "Child development orders."

Training games and exercises for children in the sixth year of life / T. Pirozhenko, S. Ladyvir, I. Karabayev, L. Soloviova, T. Hurkovska. -Ternopil: Mandrivets, 2012. - 64 p. :  - A series of "Child development orders."

Training games and exercises for children seventh year of life / T. Pirozhenko, S. Ladyvir, I Karabayev, T. Hurkovska, L. Soloviova. -Ternopil: Mandrivets, 2013. - 72 p. : - A series of "Child development orders."

Psychological and pedagogical design of interaction with an adult child / T. Pirozhenko, S. Ladyvir, K. Karaseva. - K., Institute of Psychology G.S. Kostiuk NAPS Ukraine, 2013. – 23 p.

"The joy of development. Interaction between adult and child. "(S. Ladyvir. - K., Edition of newspapers with pre-school and primary education, 2013. – 128 p.


Address: 01033, Str. Pankivska, 2 room. 36

Phone: 097 127-65-86 Elena

e-mail: labpsydosh@gmail.com; cenya@online.ua

© 2014-2025 G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine