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The Laboratory of Psychology of Socially Maladjusted Juveniles was created in March 1997 based on the laboratory of psychology of intractable adolescents led by E.I. Dranischeva, PhD in Psychology. The laboratory of intractable adolescents was founded in 1975 and its works initiated fundamental studies of delinquent adolescents as a relatively independent subsystem of developmental psychology. In the early stages of its existence, the laboratory and its studies were focused on general objective laws of intractable person’s development. Much later, the laboratory began to cover issues of features of self-comprehension of juvenile offenders, re-education of girls-offenders, age characteristics of adolescents’ understanding of the “human rights” concept, speech interactions of a psychologist with troubled teenagers as a factor for optimization of their understanding of law rules. Since 1982, the laboratory was headed by V.O. Tatenko, Doctor of Psychology. Formation of understanding of law rules and overcoming of deviations in adolescent behaviour were the main themes of the laboratory. The laboratory was headed by N.Yu.Maksymova, Doctor of Psychology, professor from 1996 to 2015. The laboratory studies psychology of socially maladjusted underage youth, child’s pathopsychology, psychological assistance to victims of violence, psychology of deviant behaviour, prevention of addictive behaviour of juveniles, preventive education, family psychotherapy. It organizes social and psychological training on above topics within implementation of the UN projects: Chernobyl, Counterpart Alliance, Transatlantic US-EU Civil Society Initiative Program for Ukraine, the International Fund "Renaissance", the projects launched by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Since 2015, the laboratory is headed by Antonina Mykhailivna Hrys, Doctor of Psychology.



1.Antonina Mykhailivna Hrys, Doctor of Psychology, head of the Laboratory of Psychology of Socially Maladjusted Juveniles;

2. Natalia Yuriyivna Maksymova - Doctor of Psychology, leading researcher;

3. Igor Feliksovich Manilov – PhD. of Psychology, senior researcher;

4. Lesya MykhailivnaLytvynchuk - PhD. of Psychology, leading researcher;

5. Bogdan Mykhailovych Tkach - PhD. of Psychology, junior researcher;

6. Tetyana Anatoliyivna  Ryabovol - senior researcher;

7. Lyudmila Anatoliyivna Filonenko - senior researcher;

8. Olga Vasilivna Maksym - researcher;

9. Valentina Mykolayivna Scherbyna-Pryluka - researcher;

10. Denis Yuriyovych Starkov - junior researcher;

11. Andriy Volodymurovuch Shykulenko - junior researcher;





·     A structural model of deviant behaviour emergence under influence of unfavourable conditions of socialization was formulated; socially maladjusted behaviour is a constituent of it; the criteria were developed that should determine new personality formations under influence of negative conditions at a micro environmental level.

·     There were developed a structure of deviant behaviour and a typology of socially maladjusted behaviour that are based on psychological determinants of social maladjustment.

·     Directions of psychological corrective activities in family relations, when a problem of social maladjustment of children exits, are proposed.

·     Universal basic principles are highlighted for psychological correction of behaviour of children and adults using suggestive influence.

·        A concept of optimal development of empathy was developed and the author’s psychodiagnostic technique “Situation” is presented as well as psychological and developing methods for primary school children.


The laboratory is actively involved in training of practical psychologists in universities (lectures and social and psychological trainings at various aspects of deviant psychology, etc.).

During 2002-2015, the laboratory organized successfully a number of international and national conferences “Deviant Behaviour: History, Theory and Practice” (Kyiv, 2005; Vynnytsia, 2007; Uman, 2009; Kamenets - Podolskiy, 2011; Ternopil, 2013).

In 2012, the laboratory organized the Round Table “The system of psychological, educational, social and medical rehabilitation and adaptation of juveniles with deviant behaviour” together with the secondary school of social rehabilitation in Fontanka, Odessa region (October 12, 2012, Kyiv).

In 2013, the scientific and methodological seminar “The system of social adaptation and rehabilitation of juveniles with deviant behaviour: individual and personal approach” was organized that was included in the plan 2013 of NAPS actions and was held in April 19-20, 2013, Kyiv, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine.

In 2012, the laboratory’s collective monograph “Theoretical and methodological bases for psychological correction of personalities of socially maladjusted juveniles” was awarded by a Diploma of the second degree of NAPS of Ukraine



Scientific partners and experimental site of the laboratory

1.                     Dragomanov National Pedagogical University;

2.                     Borys Grinchenko University in Kyiv;

3.                     Kamenetz - Podolsky National University;

4.                     Kyiv City Detoxification Hospital “Sociotherapy”

5.                     Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University in Ternopil

6.                     Tychyna State Pedagogical University in Uman

7.                     The Centre of Social Services for Families, Children and Youth in Dniprovskiy  District of Kyiv “Services for social preventive work” (the outpatient rehabilitation centre “Sens"), Kyiv, Ukraine;

8.                     The Centre for Psychological and Social Rehabilitation for children No 1 of the Services for Children of the Kiev City State Administration, Kyiv, Ukraine;

9.                     The Educational Complex "Gymnasium “Erudite” – a secondary school,  Tarascha, Kyiv region, Ukraine;

10.                Kyiv City Detoxification Hospital "Sociotherapy" of the Health Department of the Kiev City State Administration, Kyiv;

11.                The Centre for Family Harmony, Odessa;

12.                The rehabilitation centre for patients with alcoholism "Sens", Kyiv;

13.                Upper secondary school “Millennium” No318 in Solomyansky district of Kyiv.

14.                Upper secondary school of international relations No 323 with in-depth study of English, Kyiv





1.Теоретико-методологічні засади психологічної корекції особистості соціально дезадаптованих неповнолітніх: колективна монографія (Theoretical and methodological foundations of psychological correction of personalities of socially maladjusted juveniles: collective monograph) / [авт. кол. Максимова Н.Ю., Манілов І.Ф., Грись А.М., Ткач Б.М., Литвинчук Л.М., Рябовол Т.А., Філоненко Л.А., Харитонов В.А., Скрипник Д.В., Максим О.В., Щербина-Прилука В.М., Перзеке - Яланська М.А. (Maksimova N.Yu., Manilov I.F., Hrys A.M., Tkach B.M., Lytvynchuk L.M., Riabovol T.A., Filonenko L.A., Kharitonov V.A., Skrypnyck D.V., Maksym O.V., Scherbyna-Pryluka V.M., Perzeke - Yalanska M.A.)]. – Кіровоград: «Імекс-ЛТД», 2012. – 258 с.

2. Грись А.М. (Hrys A.M.) Особливості функціонування «Образу Я» в результаті переживання психологічної травми (Features of self-image functioning as a result of experiencing of a psychological trauma) / А.М. Грись //Проблеми загальної та педагогічної психології : [зб. наук. праць Інституту психології імені Г. С. Костюка НАПН України / за ред. С. Д. Максименка]. – Т. ХVI. Ч. 1. – К. : Гнозіс, 2014. – С. 25-37..

3.Грись А. М.(Hrys A.M.) Психологічні бар’єри студентів у процесі їх підготовки до роботи з соціально дезадаптованими неповнолітніми (Psychological barriers of students during their training to work with socially maladjusted juveniles)/ А. М. Грись // Проблеми загальної та педагогічної психології : [зб. наук. праць Інституту психології імені Г. С. Костюка НАПН України / за ред. С. Д. Максименка]. – Т. ХVI. Ч. 2. – К. : Гнозіс, 2014. – С. 289-298

4.Максимова Н. Ю.(Maksimova N.Yu.) Порушення екологічності стосунків як детермінанта девіантної поведінки (Violations of environ relations as determinants of deviant behaviour)/ Н. Ю. Максимова // Актуальні проблеми психології : зб. наук. праць Інституту психології імені Г.С. Костюка НАПН України ; / [ред.кол.: С.Д. Максименко (гол.ред.), Н.В. Чепелєва (заст.гол.ред.), В.О. Моляко та ін.]. – Житомир: Вид-во ЖДУ ім. І.Франка, 2014. – Т. VII. Екологічна психологія. Вип. 36. – С. 262-270.

5.Максимова Н. Ю. (Maksimova N.Yu.)Соціально-психологічні аспекти впровадження Національного проекту «Відкритий світ» (Social and psychological aspects of implementation of the national project “Open World”) / Н. Ю. Максимова, Л. С. Порох // Рідна школа : науково-педагогічний журнал / МОН України. – К., 2014. – № 1-2. – С. 22-27


6.Манілов І. Ф.(Manilov I.F.)Словесне психотерапевтичне навіювання: можливості удосконалення (Verbal psychotherapy suggestion: possibilities for improvement)/ І. Ф. Манілов // Науковий вісник Миколаївського державного університету імені В.О. Сухомлинського : збірник наукових праць. Серія : Психологічні науки / за ред. С.Д. Максименко, Н.О. Євдокимової. – Миколаїв : МНУ ім. В.О. Сухомлинського, 2014. – Т. ІІ. Вип. 13 (109) – С. 124-129.

7.Манілов І.Ф.  (Manilov I.F.)Психокорекція девіантної поведінки підлітків за допомогою сугестії (Psychological correction of adolescents’ deviant behaviour with suggestion) / І.Ф. Манілов // Проблеми загальної та педагогічної психології. Збірник наукових праць Інституту психології імені Г.С. Костюка Національної АПН України / За ред. С.Д. Максименка. Т.ХVІ, част.1, 2 – К., 2014. – С. 124-132.


VІІ. Contacts:

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© 2014-2025 G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine