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The main research activities

The investigations on methodological and theoretical aspects of psychology at the Institute was began due to activity of it’s founder - academician Gregory S. Kostiuk.

The main studies of the Laboratory staff at the first years where focused on the analysis of socialization process, psychological aspects of the scientific and technological revolution analyses, and consider the possibilities of application the concepts and methods of social psychology in educational psychology field. Mainly it was aimed to personal-role approach for the developing of the educational process. These investigations where implemented in the number of the publications of V.I Voitko, S. E. Zlochevskiy V. A. Tatenko, other staff members and laboratory postgraduaters.

The Laboratory team took part in the establishment of psychological explanatory dictionaries. This work helped to improve the conceptual apparatus of psychology and developing of the Ukrainian psychological terminology. Mentioned dictionaries edited by V.I. Voitko were published in 1976 and 1982, and contributed the spreading of psychological knowledge in Ukraine.

The most important achievement of 80-th years should probably assume edition, edited by L.M. Prokoliyenko selected works G.S. Kostyuk (1988 - Russian in Moscow publishing house "Pedagogy" and 1989 - Ukrainian titled "The educational process and mental development of the individual"). Mentioned publications, along with a number of articles made input in the scientific legacy of the founder of the Institute and helped to spread his scientific ideas.

The next studies carried out by the Laboratory where devoted to mental and personality development. In the stream of G. Kostyuk’s scientific tradition, the main attention was paid to investigation the for internal determinants of the personality development.

From the beginning of the 90-th the Laboratory researches where focus on the development of theoretical and methodological background of the humanistic orientation in the psychological science, educational practice and in public life. Mentioned direction of the Laboratory activities was based primarily on the theoretical achievements of national psychology (especially on the heritage of G. Kostyuk), researchers and practitioners from different countries in the field of humanistic psychology and pedagogy, dialogical approach in philosophy, culture, education (particularly on the works of V.S. Bibler) and others.

Working with the creative development achievements of Western humanistic psychology has found expression, particularly in the investigation of G. Ball “The concept of self-actualization in humanistic psychology” (Kyiv-Donetsk, 1993) and two volumes of the anthology “Humanistic Psychology”, published in 2001-2005. Edited by Roman Trach (USA) and Georgy Ball.

In the 90-th years the actual aspect of social life was to humanize education, developing the new educational methodology based on the principles of mutual respect and cooperation between students and teacher. Responding to these challenges, the laboratory carried out psychological background of the humanistic principles for creating of the content and metodology of the education for independent Ukraine. Among the most important results of are the comparative characteristic of authoritarian, liberal and humanistic ideas in national educational system; justification of the “Dialog of Cultures” approach in the education as the most appropriate way of implementation of the dialogue paradigm in this area; a detailed description of the category of “educational communication” and the disclosure of its importance for study of educational chalenges.

An important role in the implementation of the mentioned investigationes has played Kharkiv lab “School of Dialogue of Cultures”, was founded in 1993 as a part of the Laboratory methodology and theory of psychology (now - Kharkiv group of laboratory methodology and theory of psychology – V.F. Litovsky, T.A. Rosiychuk, V.A. Myedintsev et al.). This team, by focusing on the theoretical and practical issues of the Dialog of Cultures approach in education, realized a number of significant psychological and educational experiments.

By  application of the ratiohumanistic approach in the psychology of personality studies the personality-integrative approach was developed. The integrativity in this case is meant at the same time in the epistemological and ontological aspects. The results of mentioned studies where published in the book “Personality-Integrative Approach in Psychological Sciences and Practice” edited by George Ball and the number of articles by the members of Laboratory research team.

Another step in the research reflected appeals to the category of "identity" which is very important in modern psychology, especially in the analysis of self-identification of teacher. The model of this identity could serve as a basis for the development of the programs to restructuring the identity of teacher from authoritarian to humanistic direction. Among the papers focused on these issues, we note the monograph edited by Valery Zlyvkov et al."Formation of professional identity" (Kiev-Kirovograd, 2014.

Further development line of research described is to gain as part of a next study, scheduled for 2015-2017 - " Methodological Patterns Forming Authenticity Professionals in Socionomic Field "(Head - VL Zlyvkov, performers, except him – N.B. Kyrpach, S.O.Kopylov, S.O. Lukomska, L.M. Mikhailyuk, T.S. Morozovska, N.N. Homutynnikova).

Trying to reach a synthesis of theoretical achievements obtained in previous years, the Laboratory team undertook an in-depth analysis of the category of "culture". However, it grounded on the wider interpretation of culture as a set of components of human existence and activities that provide two functions: the function of social memory and function socially important creativity. Distinguishes between the different types of modes of culture, namely: a) universal mode; b) special modes (including ethnic, super- & sub-ethnic and inherent professional, age, gender, religious and other components of society, including small groups, e.g. family); the individual - peculiar to human individuals. This approach of social functions psychology (particularly addressed to the whole of society as macro-function) conceptualized as cultural-creative.

The results of studies conducted in the laboratory under this approach is reflected in number of articles and in the monograph "Cultural-creative Function of Psychology" (ed. G.A. Ball, Kyiv-Kirovograd, 2014);

For the years 2015-2018 is planned to perform the theme "Systematic of Psychological Knowledge at the Present Stage of its Development" (GA Ball as head, performers, except him – N.A. Bastun, A.V. Hubenko, V.V. Deputat, A.V. Zavhorodnya, A.I. Kotsyuba, V.F. Litovsky, V.A. Myedintsev, S.A. Musatov, T.A. Rosiychuk).

Other activities

In addition to research activities, Laboratory team members carry a considerable amount of research and practical work that guaranteeing the implementation in public (especially education) practice the results of research, at the same time provides information for research further scientific generalizations. In particular, A.V. Hubenko, testing and perfecting built his concept of intellectual and creative talents of students, provides educational institutions (learning and teaching) in different regions of Ukraine activities for development, implementation and testing of methods of diagnosis and development of creative and academic abilities of students.

The laboratory was working with post graduate academic training. Currently in the laboratory are train two doctoral students (Inna A. Kot and Igor M. Galyan) and 5 graduate students/

The results of ongoing laboratory research implemented in educational practice. Laboratory scientists closely coworks with N. Gogol State University, Nizhyn, V. Korolenko’s National Pedagogical University, Poltava; A. Makarenko’s State Pedagogical University, Sumy and other universities round the Ukraine.

Since 2011, twice a year, Laboratory provides theoretical seminar "Regulation and Improvement of Categories-conceptual Apparatus of Psychology" (leaders - academician NAPS Ukraine S.D. Maksimenko and corresponding member. NAPS Ukraine G.O. Ball).

The Laboratory team members systematically give consultations for the psychologists - researchers and practitioners and other professionals. Actively popularize scientific psychological knowledge, speaking regularly on television, in radio programs and in other media.

Laboratory team supports scientific relations with foreign NAPSU members - Roman Trach (USA) and Yolanda Vilsh (Poland), have links with psychologists of post-Soviet area and of other countries.



© 2014-2025 G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine