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The laboratory was created in 1994

Laboratory of psychology was founded in 1994 on the basis of the problem that existed within the department methodology, history and ethnic psychology since 1991.

Key research areas:

 theory and methodology of historical and psychological research;

A comparative study of the history of psychology and historical psychology;

historiography and source study research.


Laboratory scientists established the essence Ukrainian ethno-cultural landmarks as the foundations of social and state axiological system.

Analyzed and interpreted domestic personological heritage. Studied religious and philosophical, religious and psychological representations during the formation of ideology and mentality of the people. The concept, which revealed the structure and content of the ethno-cultural space, the potential of its embodiment in his mental-conscious paradigm. Revealed that this paradigm includes features reflection of becoming the dominant ethno-cultural, axiological, conscious and ethical systems and their reflection in human mental activity.

Laboratory scientists have been analyzed and identified major trends and challenges facing the historical and psychological disciplines at the present stage of its development.

The process of formation of scientific psychology in Ukraine in Russian thought the second half of XIX-early XX century. Clarified in detail the fundamental philosophical problems due to the problematic range of theoretical and methodological questions of psychology.

Reproduced the overall picture ideological orientations of Russian philosophy and psychology of the second half of XIX - early XX century.



The structure consists of 10 laboratory scientists working in particular on the following areas:

analysis of the psychological views of representatives of secular and religious and philosophical currents in XIV – XIX centuries. (Yu. Rozhdestvenskiy, V.Letcev);

formation of moral and ethical values in psychological thought of the twentieth century. (V. Turban);

analysis of Ukrainian states of consciousness under the influence of totalitarian socio-political regimes. (A. Maslyuk);

psychological and pedagogical foundations of individual self-creation process. (L.Serdyuk);

semantic orientations of social consciousness in conditions of Ukrainian statehood. (I.Bilokon);

research in general psychology and history of psychology problems paradigmatic change in the basis of general psychology in synergetic context, historical and psychological rehabilitation of psychological thought in the ethnocultural space of Ukraine, historical and cultural transformation idea of ability in psychology Ukrainian second half of the twentieth century, historical and psychological origins of basic search G.S. Kostiuk ideas. (I.Poklad)

becoming the leading areas of psychology Ukrainian second half of the twentieth century. (O.Muzychuk).

Turban V.V. – Doctor of Psychology, Leading Researcher, Head of Laboratory

Letcev  V.M. – PhD in Psychology Sciences, Leading Researcher

Serdyuk L.Z. – Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Leading Researcher

Bilokon` I.V. – PhD in Psychology Sciences , senior researcher

Maslyuk A.M. – PhD in Psychology Sciences , senior researcher

Melnyk O.A. – PhD in Psychology Sciences , senior researcher

Muzychuk O.O. – senior researcher

Poklad I.M. – PhD in Psychology Sciences , senior researcher

Gavrylkova K.V. – research associate

Skalska L.O. – junior research

Kyrpenko T.M. – senior laboratory




1.     Dal East Ukrainian National University.

2.     V. Vinnichenko Kirovograd State Pedagogical University.

3.     Khmelnitsky National University.

4.     National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing.

5.     Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (M.P. Dragomanov National Pedagogical University).

6.     B.Grinchenko Kyiv University.

7.     Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade.

8.     National Medical University. A. O.Bohomoltsya.

9.     UKRAYINA Open International University of Human Development (UKRAINE).

10.           Nizhyn Gogol State University.

11.           Academy of Municipal Administration.



Istoryko-psykholohichna rekonstruktsiya psykholohichnoyi dumky v etnokul'turnomu prostori Ukrayiny : kolektyvna monohrafiya / 1.        / [V. T. Kuyevda, V. M. Lettsev, V. F. Lytovs'kyy ta in.] ; za red. V. T. Kuyevdy, V. V. Turban. – Kirovohrad : Imeks-LTD, 2012. – 205 s. -  (15,0 dr. ark.). – Rezhym dostupu : http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/id/eprint/5428

Stanovlennya psykholohichnoyi dumky v Ukrayini: providni ideyi ta istoriya rozvytku : kolektyvna monohrafiya / V. V. Turban, L. Z. Serdyuk, Yu. T. Rozhdestvens'kyy [ta in.] ; za red. V. V. Turban. — K.-Kirovohrad : Imeks-LTD, 2014. — 306 s. 2015 rr.). – Rezhym dostupu : http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/id/eprint/8531

Hubko O. T. Psykholohiya ukrayins'koho narodu.   Tom pershyy, Druhe vydannya. – K. : Vydavets' Serhiy Nalyvayko, 2010. – 504 s.

Rozhdestvens'kyy Yu. T. Stanovlennya profesiynoyi psykholohiyi v Kyyevo-Mohylyans'komu kolehiumi (1632-1650) // Problemy zahal'noyi ta pedahohichnoyi psykholohiyi. Zb.naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi im. H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / Za red. S. D. Maksymenka.   K. : Hnozis, 2010.   T.KhII. – Ch.2. – S. 264-281. – Rezhym dostupu :  http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/id/eprint/5399

Turban V. V. Psykholohichni peredumovy formuvannya etychnoyi svidomosti osobystosti / V. V.Turban // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi: Psykholohiya navchannya. Henetychna psykholohiya. Medychna psykholohiya. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats' // Za  red. S.D. Maksymenka.  – K. :  DP «Informatsiyno-analitychne ahent·stvo», 2009.  – Tom 10.  –Vyp. 15. – S. 89-100.

Turban, V. V. Fenomenolohiya rozumu: etychni vchennya novoho chasu / V. V. Turban // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi. Etnichna psykholohiya. Istorychna psykholohiya. Psykholinhvistyka Zbirnyk naukovykh prats' // Za  red. S.D. Maksymenka.  – K. :  DP «Informatsiyno-analitychne ahent·stvo». 5 (IKh). – 2010.   S. 278-285. – Rezhym dostupu :  http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/id/eprint/5373

Chepa M.-L. A. Istorychna pam"yat' yak katehoriya psykholohichnoyi nauky  ta suspil'noyi praktyky // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi: Etnichna psykholohiya. Istorychna psykholohiya. Psykholinhvistyka / Za red. akad. S. D. Maksymenka, M.   L. A. Chepy. – K. : DP «Informatsiyno-analitychne ahent·stvo», 2010. – T.9.   Ch.5.   S. 145-156.

Lettsev V. M. Bibliohrafiya psykholohichnykh, pedahohichnykh ta fylosofs'kykh prats' V. V. Zen'kovs'koho // Al'manakh Nauchnoho arkhyva Psykholohycheskoho ynstytuta: Chelpanovskye chtenyya 2008. – M. : PY RAO, MHPPU, 2008. – S. 192–201.

Maslyuk A. M. Doslidzhennya psykhotravmuyuchykh perezhyvan' osobystosti yak teoretyko-metodolohichna problema / A. M. Maslyuk // Problemy suchasnoyi psykholohiyi : [zb. nauk. prats' Kam"yanets'-Podil's'koho natsional'noho universytetu imeni Ivana Ohiyenka, Instytutu psykholohiyi im. H. S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / nauk. red. : S. D. Maksymenka, L. A. Onufriyevoyi. – Kam"yanets'-Podil's'kyy : Aksioma, 2009. – Vyp. 6. – S. 55–66. 


01033, 2, Pankivska str., Kyiv, Ukraine,

tel. +380 (44) 288 33 20

e-mail: istpsy@i.uà



© 2014-2025 G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine