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Psychology of Creativity Laboratory was founded by the initiation of doctor of psychological sciences, Professor V. O. Molyako on the base of the department of labour learning and education of the Institute of psychology of the Ministry of education of Ukraine in 1987. It was the first laboratory of psychology of creativity among scientific institutions of the Soviet Union.

The Laboratory staff includes 9 researchers:

Molyako Valentin Olexiyovich, head of the Laboratory (1987 – present days), NAPS of Ukraine Full Member, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor;

Bila Iryna Mikolaivna, senior researcher of the Laboratory, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, docent;

Tretiak Tetiana Mykolaivna, leading researcher of the Laboratory, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, senior researcher;

Vaganova Natalia Arkadiivna, senior researcher of the Laboratory, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, senior researcher;

Medvedeva Nadiia Vitaliivna, senior researcher of the Laboratory, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, senior researcher;

Kokareva Maria Volodimirivna, senior researcher of the Laboratory Candidate of Psychological Science;

Naydonova Lyubov Mykhaylivna, senior researcher of the Laboratory, Candidate of Psychological Science;

Kirichevska Eleonora Vsevolodivna, researcher of the Laboratory, Candidate of Psychological Science;

Latysh Natalia Mykhaylivna, junior researcher of the Laboratory, Candidate of Psychological Science.

The main activity directions

Scientific-research work of the Laboratory is provided within the complex problem “Information-psychological safety of personality and creative processes”, programme of the research of which is based on the results of previous research cycles, particularly, “The strategies of pupils’ creative activity”; “Creative activity of children and youth in modern conditions”; “Psychological features of creative activity in difficult and extreme conditions”; “Psychological research of the personality’s creative potential”; “Psychological research of creative perceptive processes in different age stages”, and starting from 2012 year – the laboratory works on the topic “Psychological regularities of creative perceptive processes in the conditions of actual information deficit and access”. Results of the researches are presented in methodical means of the research and diagnostics of creative mental activity in the process of tasks solving, including complicated conditions on the different age stages, in different projections of the training system CARUS. Developed on this basis concrete psychological trainings are original and reliable means of system approach to actual tasks solving in different spheres of creative activity (scientific, pedagogical, technical, artistic and others), in the solving of actual different-scope problems.

Psychology of creativity Laboratoryconsults specialists concerning diagnostics and development of human creative activity on different age stages. Molyako V. O. developed psychological conception of strategic organization of creative process, and also author training system CARUS, means of realization of which in different spheres of creative activity are developed by the researches of the Laboratory.

The ideas of developed by V. O. Molyako psychological theory of creative constructology is widely implemented by many researchers. It indicates the scientific school functioning. Approaches to the study of psychological aspects of creative activity in different spheres: scientific, technical, artistic-graphic, pedagogical, moral-ethic, communicative and others on different age stages; diagnostic and developing methodic means, that proved to be original and reliable means of system approach in actual scaled problems solving are developed.

Traditions of V. O. Molyako’s school are developed and increased in Psychology of creativity centers (branches of Psychology of creativity laboratory of G.S.  Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine), that work on the base of higher educational establishments and educational establishments of new type, in candidate and doctor dissertations of the specialists from different Ukrainian regions.

Through domestic and foreign scientists gained recognition V. O. Molyako’s psychological conception of creation strategic organization, through the workers in different spheres of creative activity – author training system CARUS. Wide resonance in world psychological science induced V. O. Molyako’s works concerning ChAES accident consequences psychological analysis.

V. O. Molyako’screative activity strategic theory paradigm is basic vector of modern psychological researches. 

V. O. Molyako has initiated the cycle of psychological researches concerning the problems of poetry creation, published several poetry books, particularly poetry collections “Icebreakers”, “Dominant”, “First aid of a soul”, “Counterpoint”, “Psyche in kimono” and others.  

Cooperation with Ukrainian organizations

1. Medical gymnasia ¹ 33 of  Holosiyivskya district in Kyiv administration (Kyiv).

2. Gymnasia ¹ 57 of Lower-Amur district education department of Dnipropetrovsk region (Dnipropetrovsk).

3. National environmental center of youth ÌES of Ukraine (Kyiv).

4. Medical-psychological researches laboratory of clinical hospital “Feofaniya” (Kyiv).

Recent main publications

Psychological research of creative perceptive processes on different age stages [Scientific monograph]. – Kirovograd : Imex-LTD, 2012. – 211 p. (http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/1500/)

Molyako V. O. The problems of creative perception functioning in the actual information excess conditions / V. O. Molyako // Actual problems of psychology: Scientific works collection of G.S.  Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine. – K.: “Phoenix” publisher, 2013. V. Õ²². Psychology of creativity. – Issue 16. – P. 7-19.(http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/1404/)

Bila I. M. Phenomenology of child’s perception / Bila I. M. // Actual problems of psychology: Scientific works collection of G.S.  Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine. – K.: “Phoenix” publisher, 2013. V. Õ²². Psychology of creativity. – Issue 16. – P. 79-85.(http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/1460/)

Tretiak T. M. Combining in the process of perception of technical information by pupils / T. M. Tretiak // Actual problems of psychology: Scientific works collection of G.S.  Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine. – K.: “Phoenix” publisher, 2013. V. Õ²². Psychology of creativity. – Issue 18. – P. 243-253.(http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/1447/)

Vaganova N. A. Psychological research of perception of artistic information structures by preschool children / N.A. Vaganova // Actual problems of psychology: Scientific works collection of G.S.  Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine. – K.: “Phoenix” publisher, 2013. V. Õ²². Psychology of creativity. – Issue 17. – P. 46-53.(http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/1592/)

Medvedeva N. V. Art information structures perception by junior pupils / N.V. Medvedeva // Actual problems of psychology: Scientific works collection of G.S.  Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine. – K.: “Phoenix” publisher, 2013. V. Õ²². Psychology of creativity. – Issue 16. – P. 254-259. (http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/1404/)



office 40, Pankivska str. Kyiv, Ukraine

mob.: 066-347-27-53


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